OSAA Weekly Updates
OSAA Weekly Updates
March 20, 2025
Delegate Assembly Agenda - April
The agenda for the second Delegate Assembly meeting is now available. Key items include emerging activities updates and elections for Executive Board.
Tennis Reporting Reminder
All tennis coaches should have their team roster entered on Tennis Reporting at this time. A reminder that all results must be entered into Tennis Reporting for varsity dual meets and tournaments. View link for instructions on how to register if you haven't done so already.
Choir/Band/Orchestra State Registration Forms
Form Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 19, 2025 @ 11:59pm.
Deadline for Adding Games to Baseball / Softball Schedules - April 9
Remember that results from contests added to a team's schedule after April 9 vs. a team more than one classification away shall not be included in the rankings. NOTE: contests at tournaments are not affected by this policy.
Attached vs. Unattached Competition
Reminder that unattached individuals may not compete against a high school team or individual at a high school event.
OSAA: Trio of Oregonians Honored by NFHS
Two hall of famers and an inspiring tale.
March 28 - OSAA Office Closed
Have a Great Spring Break!
March 13, 2025
Student Leadership Conference Registration
Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Playmaker Summit. Formerly known as the Oregon Girls Sports Leadership Summit. This free premier leadership event will be held on the campus of Oregon Episcopal School, on April 19th.
Insert Baseball Rosters
Rosters are required for all levels to enable the tracking of pitch counts.
Pitch Count Reminders
A reminder that the pitch count is tied to each level in which the contest is played. Please make sure you're submitting the correct pitch count, for the correct player, on the correct game, at the correct level played.
Spring Coach Certification
Please make sure all coaches are in the system and fully certified. The review of coach certifications will begin on March 17.
OSAA Foundation Grants Due
Track & Field/Cross Country Grant Closes tomorrow (March 14); Participation Grant Closes Friday (March 15)
6A basketball tourney preview: Barlow seeks breakthrough
No. 1 Bruins and longtime coach Tom Johnson pursue first state championship; Jazzy Davidson-led Clackamas among girls contenders
No. 1 Bruins and longtime coach Tom Johnson pursue first state championship; Jazzy Davidson-led Clackamas among girls contenders
March 17 - Spring First Contest Date; Spring Required Forms and Academic All-State Open
March 18 - Solo Music Cutoff
March 19 - OAOA Board Meeting; OSAA Foundation Spring Shop Event
March 21-22 - Dance/Drill State Championships (Salem)
March 6, 2025
Student Leadership Conference Registration
Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Playmaker Summit. Formerly known as the Oregon Girls Sports Leadership Summit. This free premier leadership event will be held on the campus of Oregon Episcopal School, on April 19th.
Baseball / Softball Website Reminders
Reminders for schools when managing their schedules online.
OnPoint Community Credit Union - Academic All-State Results
See where your winter teams finished!
Insert Fall 2025 Schedules
You are now able to input your team sport schedules to the OSAA website.
OSAA Foundation Participation Grant
Submit your grant application by March 15, 2025 to get a chance at up to $10,000 for your school!
Basketball State Championship Coverage
Follow 3A, 2A, 1A Basketball final site coverage!
March 12-15 - 6A Basketball State Championships (Portland); 5A Basketball State Championships (McMinnville)
March 13-15 - 4A Basketball State Championships (Forest Grove)
March 14 - OSAA Foundation Track & Field and Cross Country Grant Due
March 15 - OSAA Foundation Participation Grant Due
February 27, 2025
Event Management and Ticket Report Form
The online forms are easier than ever for schools to use. See link for step-by-step instructions.
Associate Member School Update
If you have students participating from Associate Members, their school must be listed prior to participation.
Baseball & Softball Varsity Schedules Due
Varsity schedules are due to the OSAA website by the first spring contest date (March 17)
OSAA Broadcast Procedures
Don't forget to register your non-NFHS Network broadcasts for basketball playoff games by filling out a Broadcast Registration Form.
Non-NFHS Network broadcasts are subject to a media rights fee. Contact Nate Lowery with questions.
DICK's Sporting Goods Discount Days (February 28-March 3)
Spring practice starts March 3! Get ready for the season with Discount Days at DICK's Sporting Goods throughout Oregon! Take advantage of an exclusive offer from DICK's and save 20% off your entire purchase February 28-March 3!
Final Polls Available
Final Polls for Boys Wrestling, Girls Wrestling, Boys Basketball and Girls Basketball are available.
March 3 - Spring First Practice Date
March 4 - 6A Girls Basketball Round 1
March 5 - 5A Basketball Cutoff; 6A Boys Basketball Round 1
March 5-8 - 1A Basketball State Championship (Baker)
March 6-8 - 2A Basketball State Championship (Pendleton); 3A Basketball State Championship (Coos Bay / North Bend)
March 7 - 5A, 4A Girls Basketball Round 1; 6A Girls Basketball Round 2; Nike/OACA Football Clinic (Portland)
March 8 - 5A, 4A Boys Basketball Round 1; 6A Boys Basketball Round 2; Dance/Drill Cutoff
February 20, 2025
Winter Participation Certificates
Sport-specific Participation Certificates can now be accessed. Schools can create certificates for each of their student participants. Access is limited to OSAA website user accounts with school administrative access (ADs, Athletic Secretaries, Principals, etc.)
Update Spring Coaches
Please update the information on the OSAA website ASAP so we can communicate with your school personnel throughout the spring. This includes activity programs like Band, Orchestra, Choir, Speech, and Solo Music.
Moratorium Week: July 27-August 2, 2025
As schools and programs plan ahead for the summer, the OSAA Moratorium Week is July 27-August 2, 2025. School administrations may request modifications to the week by contacting Kyle Stanfield.
DICK's Sporting Goods Discount Days (February 28-March 3)
Spring practice starts March 3! Get ready for the season with Discount Days at DICK's Sporting Goods throughout Oregon! Take advantage of an exclusive offer from DICK's and save 20% off your entire purchase February 28-March 3!
OSAA Foundation Cross Country / Track & Field Grant Application
The OSAA Foundation aims to help schools, organizations, and events that promote high school running. Deadline for applications is March 14.
Wrestling Notebook: February 18
District news and notes from across Oregon, in wrestling.
February 24 - Winter Academic All-State Closes
February 25 - 3A, 1A Girls Basketball (Round 1); 4A Basketball League Play Concludes/Freeze Date
February 26 - 3A, 1A Boys Basketball (Round 1)
February 27-March 1 - Wrestling State Championships (Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Portland)
February 28 - 3A, 1A Girls Basketball (Round 2); 2A Girls Basketball (Round 1); 4A Play In Games
March 1 - 3A, 1A Boys Basketball (Round 2); 2A Boys Basketball (Round 1); 4A Play In Games; 6A & 4A Basketball Cutoffs
February 13, 2025
Transfer Task Force Update
Summary from their meeting on February 5th. Next meeting will be scheduled to follow the OADA conference in the Spring.
Championship Threshold Task Force Update
Summary from their meeting on January 23rd. Next meeting will be held in late April or early May.
Baseball and Softball Rule of 8 Memo
Baseball and softball coaches may begin pitching instruction and throwing workouts with pitchers and catchers only (maximum of eight total per day) two weeks prior to the Spring Sports first practice date.
Winter Academic All-State Forms Due
Deadline for winter activities is Monday, February 24.
Winter Participation Certificates
Sport-specific Participation Certificates can now be accessed. Schools can create certificates for each of their student participants.
Access is limited to OSAA website user accounts with school administrative access (ADs, Athletic Secretaries, Principals, etc.)
Cheerleading State Preview:Teams Prepare for the Big Stage
State Champions to be Crowned Friday and Saturday at Oregon City High School.
February 17 - Presidents Day; 4A,3A,2A/1A Rule of 8 Begins; Boys Volleyball Last Day for Coops
February 19 - 6A,5A Football Scheduling Meeting
February 21-22 - Swimming State Championships; 4A,3A,2A/1A Boys Wrestling and 6A/5A Girls Wrestling Districts
February 6, 2025
Executive Board Summary
Summary from their February meeting includes but not limited to adopted Football Ad Hoc Recommendations and 3A, 2A/1A Baseball/Softball playoff allocations.
Insert Fall 2025 Schedules
You are now able to input your team sport schedules to the OSAA website.
Spring Activities and Cooperative/Collective Sponsorships
View your school page to ensure your signed up for the correct activities and any Cooperative or Collective Sponsorship requests have been completed.
Dance/Drill Registration Form
State Championship registration is now open. Deadline to register is March 8.
Spring Plan Books Posted
Plan books for Baseball, Softball, Golf (B&G), Track & Field (B&G) and Tennis (B&G) have been posted in preparation for the upcoming season.
OSAA Foundation Participation Grant
Submit your grant application by March 15, 2025 to get a chance at up to $10,000 for your school!
Boys basketball notebook: Mannahouse finally solves PC
Mannahouse Academy tops nemesis Portland Christian in small-school duel; Johnson reaches 700 wins; Crook County's comeback.
February 9 - National Girls and Women in Sports Day Luncheon (Portland)
February 14-15 - Cheerleading State Championships (Oregon City High School); 6A, 5A Wrestling and 4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Wrestling Districts
February 15 - Swimming Cutoff
January 30, 2025
Cheerleading State Championship Schedule & Tickets Posted
Championship is Friday-Saturday, February 14-15 at Oregon City HS.
Basketball State Championships Information
Brackets and schedules have been posted for all classifications.
HomeTown Ticketing Webinar Recording
As postseason approaches, please watch the recording if you anticipate hosting a playoff game throughout the winter.
Winter Academic All-State Forms Due
Deadline for winter activities is Monday, February 24.
OSAA Beyond the Scoreboard Coaching Course
Newest option for first time coaches to complete the Interscholastic Coaching Course requirement.
Cheerleading: The road to the OSAA championships
The hard work leading up to the important day.
February 3 - OSAA Executive Board Meeting (Wilsonville); Last Day to Add Boys Volleyball.
February 5 - Sports Medicine Advisory Committee Meeting
February 6 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Meeting (Zoom)
January 24, 2025
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the February 3 meeting is now available. Key items include Football Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations, 3A, 2A/1A Baseball and Softball Allocations and the annual audit.
Football Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations
Final recommendation to the OSAA Executive Board for approval on February 3.
Team of the Month
Each month, the OSAA will select one team from each classification to win the Team of the Month. Teams selected will receive a commemorative trophy and $100 donated to the winning program. Nominate your team today!
Winter Varsity Coaches, nominate the Most Valuable Teammate (MVT) of your team!
The Most Valuable Teammate program was created through a partnership between the OSAA and the Oregon Army National Guard. Every varsity coach across OSAA member schools will be
asked to identify the Most Valuable Teammate (MVT) of their team. Each MVT will receive a commemorative co-branded item that celebrates this honor. All MVTs selected by all coaches
will have the opportunity to apply for one of three $1,000 college scholarships (one per season). Of all MVTs identified by coaches, one will be selected and recognized for each activity. Submit your MVT!
National Girls and Women in Sports Luncheon
OSAA is proud to present the 2nd Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Luncheon on February 9, 2025. Registration is limited to 100 students.
Girls basketball notebook: Century emerging in Pacific
Behind 6-foot-5 Kiara Green, Jaguars have doubled last season's win total; Willamette, Stayton post pivotal conference victories.
January 30 - Transfer Eligibility Task Force Meeting (10am - Hybrid)
January 31-February 1 - Nike/OACA Track and Field Clinic (Sheraton Portland Airport)
January 16th, 2025
NFHS Heart of the Arts and Spirit of Sport Awards
These awards are given by section and nationally. Deadline for submissions is February 1st,2025.
Board Policy Reminder - Modifications to Address Conflicts with Religious Beliefs
Please notify OSAA by January 24th if you have Winter State Championship participants who may have a possible modification request.
High School Tennis Coaches Workshop
Saturday, February 15th at the Salem Tennis and Swim Club.
Set Up to Stream Your Winter Games!
OSAA schools can get two free Pixellot cameras and free installation. Schools receive a share of the revenue and can still utilize other streaming platforms for the regular season.
Email Oregon representative Rebecca Stewart from the NFHS Network to take advantage of this offer!
Crook County Coach Honored with NFHS Award
Longtime Coach, Ernie Brooks, Named National Boys Track and Field Coach of the Year.
January 20th - OSAA Office Closed on Monday, January 20th, Winter Preselection and Participation Form Closes
January 21st - Cheerleading Cutoff Date
January 22nd - Football Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting (OSAA Office)
January 23rd - Championship Threshold Task Force Meeting (Zoom), OSAA DEI Committee Meeting (Zoom)
January 9th, 2025
OSAA Foundation XCTF Grant Application
The OSAA Foundation aims to help schools, organizations, and events that promote high school running. Deadline for applications is March 14th.
OSAA Corner Store
Need additional Spring Rules Books? Order at the OSAA Corner Store.
Winter Preselection, Participation, and Academic All-State Forms
Preselection and Participation due January 20th; Academic All-State due February 24th.
National Girls and Women in Sports Luncheon
OSAA is proud to present the 2nd Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Luncheon on February 9th, 2025. Registration is limited to 100 students.
January 7th Statewide Boys Basketball Coaches Polls
Another look at the top boys basketball teams in the state, according to coaches.
January 14th - Title IX Hot Topics (i.e. Booster Clubs and Fundraising) Webinar
December 20, 2024
Fall Travel Reimbursement Sent
A total of $280,500 was sent to 179 member schools on December 4.
Transfer/Eligibility Task Force Update
Update from their second meeting. Group is looking for feedback from the membership on key topics.
Championship Thresholds Task Force Update
Task Force is looking for feedback from the membership as they continue their work. Next meeting is Thursday, January 23.
Update Out-of-State Records
Please make sure you regularly update the records of teams your school has played from out-of-state.
Pre-Event Safety Timeout
Prior to the start of each contest (at all levels) the site supervisor and/or home head coach shall gather the following personnel to review these important questions.
Dance/Drill: DDCA Invitational marks end of 2024 competitions
Strong showing by Forest Grove in team and individual events; West Albany takes home two wins.
December 24-January 2 - OSAA Office Closed. Happy Holidays!
December 12, 2024
Executive Board Summary
Summary from their December 9 meeting. Highlighted items include changes to schools for the 2025-26 school year and the 2025 Fall Special Districts.
2025-26 Regular Districts
Adopted districts starting in the Fall of 2025.
Football Ad Hoc Committee Update
Update from their latest meeting is now available. Next meeting is Thursday, December 19.
NFHS Heart of the Arts and Spirit of Sport Awards
These awards are given by section and nationally. Nominate today!
Guest Coach & Alumni Reminder
Guest coaches are limited to three coaching visits during a single sports season and cannot coach in competitions nor participate in scrimmages or drills during practice.
Alumni must be approved coaches from the beginning of the season in order to practice with your team. It is a circumvention of the rule and a violation to have alumni
approved as coaches only during the time they are home for a vacation/break.
Cheerleading State Championship Registration
All entries must be submitted by 4 PM Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Scheduling note: all Gameday Performances will be Friday, February 14.
Wrestling Notebook: December 10
News and notes from across Oregon, in wrestling.
December 18 - Last Day to Add Contests to Basketball Schedules
December 19 - Football Ad Hoc Committee Meeting (10am via Hybrid Format)
December 6, 2024
Winter Preselection and Participation Forms
Forms are due January 20.
Basketball Tournament Brackets
E-mail Chris Burkhardt your tournament brackets so the OSAA Website is up to date throughout the year.
OSAA Foundation Participation Grant
Submit your grant application by March 15, 2025 to get a chance at up to $10,000 for your school!
Deadline for Adding Games to Basketball Schedules - December 18
Remember that results from contests added to a team's schedule after December 18 vs. a team more than one classification away shall not be included in the rankings. NOTE: contests at tournaments are not affected by this policy.
Nominate a Student for the Toyota Athlete of the Week!
Each week throughout the school year, Toyota and the OSAA will recognize varsity athletes that exhibited an outstanding performance during the previous week.
All qualifying students will be in good academic standing, show leadership qualities and serve as role models in their communities. Nominate students each week by Tuesday at 12pm.
Fall State Championship Coverage
Check out all of the excellent fall state championship coverage and previews of winter activities.
December 9 - OSAA Executive Board Meeting (9am @ OSAA Office)
December 10 - Championship Thresholds Task Force Meeting (10:30am via Zoom)
December 11 - OAOA Board Meeting (9am @ OSAA Office)
December 12 - Transfer and Eligibility Task Force Meeting (10am @ Hybrid Format)
December 13-17 - NIAAA National Conference (Austin, TX)
November 21, 2024
Executive Board Agenda
The December agenda is now posted. Major item is the review of the 2023-24 Computation of ADM.
Website Reminders - Schedules/Rosters/Results
If you haven't already done so, please upload your full varsity team sports schedules & rosters to the OSAA website. In addition, a friendly reminder that scores are due to the OSAA website by 10pm on the day the contest was played.
Football Ad Hoc Committee Update
Update from their initial work session. Committee is looking for feedback from the membership.
Proposed 2025 Fall Special Districts
Please review your placement and provide feedback by November 29.
Team of the Month
Each month, the OSAA will select one team from each classification to win the Team of the Month. Teams selected will receive a commemorative trophy and $100 donated to the winning program. Nominate your team today!
Football playoff notebook: Gervais enters rare territory
Cougars make semis for first time since 1951; S. Medford pushes forward; North Valley stuns No. 1 Siuslaw; ND's Vaughn clutch.
November 28-29 - OSAA Office Closed (Happy Thanksgiving!)
November 29-30 - Football State Championships
November 15, 2024
Manage Staff Reminder
Reminder that ALL coaches (paid or volunteer), at all levels, must be in the in the OSAA Manage Staff system and fully certified before coaching.
Guest Coach & Alumni Reminder
Guest coaches are limited to three coaching visits during a single sports season and cannot coach in competitions nor participate in scrimmages or drills during practice.
Alumni must be approved coaches from the beginning of the season in order to practice with your team. It is a circumvention of the rule and a violation to have alumni
approved as coaches only during the time they are home for a vacation/break.
Basketball Shot Clock Resources
As schools prepare for basketball season to start, please check out the resources on the basketball pages.
OSAA Foundation S.T.A.R Fund
The OSAA Foundation has established a fund to support schools and/or their leagues in their sportsmanship and S.T.A.R. (Safety, Tolerance, Acceptance and Respect) initiatives. Up to $1,000 per school or $2,000 per league is available.
DICK's Sporting Goods Discount Days (November 15-17)
Winter practice starts Monday! Get ready for the season with Discount Days at DICK's Sporting Goods throughout Oregon! Take advantage of an exclusive offer from DICK's and save 20% off your entire purchase November 15-17!
Soccer finals preview: Marist girls back with balanced attack
Spartans diversify offense, return to 4A final; Wilsonville girls seek four-peat; Jesuit, Catlin Gabel go for boys, girls titles.
November 18 - Winter First Practice Date
November 21 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Meeting (Zoom)
November 22-23 - Football Semifinals
November 7, 2024
Veterans Day Public Address
A public address script for schools as they have events on or leading up to Veterans Day (Monday, November 11).
Update Winter Coaches
Please update your coach contact information on your school’s Manage Staff page ASAP so we can communicate with your school personnel throughout the winter. Remember all coaches need to be added to the manage staff feature this year.
Winter Plan Books Posted
Plan books / handbooks for Swimming, Wrestling, Basketball, Dance/Drill and Cheerleading are now posted.
Event Management and Ticket Report Form
The online forms are easier than ever for schools to use. See link for step-by-step instructions.
DICK's Sporting Goods Discount Days (November 15-17)
Winter practice starts Monday! Get ready for the season with Discount Days at DICK's Sporting Goods throughout Oregon! Take advantage of an exclusive offer from DICK's and save 20% off your entire purchase November 15-17!
Volleyball: Oregon State Championships at a glance
Teams hunting titles and trophies across six classifications this weekend
November 12 - Soccer Semifinals
November 14 - OACA Board Meeting (OSAA Office)
November 15-16 - Football Quarterfinals
November 16 - Soccer State Championships (Hillsboro)
October 31, 2024
Steve Walker retires as OSAA sports information director
The affable Walker, who held the position for 24 years, had a well-earned reputation for being ready to lend a helping hand.
Event Management and Ticket Report Form
The online forms are easier than ever for schools to use. See link for step-by-step instructions.
Fall Participation Certificates
Sport-specific Participation Certificates can now be accessed. Schools can create certificates for each of their student participants. Access
is limited to OSAA website user accounts with school administrative access (ADs, Athletic Secretaries, Principals, etc.)
OnPoint Community Credit Union - Academic All-State Results
See where your fall teams finished!
Fall Varsity Coaches, nominate the Most Valuable Teammate (MVT) of your team!
The Most Valuable Teammate program was created through a partnership between the OSAA and the Oregon Army National Guard. Every varsity coach across OSAA member schools will be
asked to identify the Most Valuable Teammate (MVT) of their team. Each MVT will receive a commemorative co-branded item that celebrates this honor. All MVTs selected by all coaches
will have the opportunity to apply for one of three $1,000 college scholarships (one per season). Of all MVTs identified by coaches, one will be selected and recognized for each activity. Submit your MVT!
October 30 volleyball playoff recaps
Who won first-round matches on Wednesday? Result and highlights inside
November 4 - Sub Varsity Football Cutoff
November 5-6 - Boys Soccer Playoffs
November 6-7 - Girls Soccer Playoffs
November 8-9 - Volleyball State Championships (Forest Grove, Coos Bay/North Bend, Redmond); Football Playoffs
November 9 - Cross Country State Championships (Eugene); Soccer Playoffs
October 24, 2024
2023-24 Computation of ADM
ADM's from the 2023-24 school year have been added to the three-year average (2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24).
Championship Thresholds Task Force Update
Update their second meeting is now posted. The group is looking for feedback from the membership.
OSAA Corner Store
Need additional Winter Rules Books? Does your Wresting Team need BIA Supplies? Order at the OSAA Corner Store.
Follow us on Social Media
@OSAASports is the official Facebook, Twitter/X, and Instagram account of the OSAA. Any account not named @OSAASports is not
affiliated with or associated with the OSAA, and we encourage our member communities to be cautious about fraudulent accounts.
Nominate a Student for the Toyota Athlete of the Week!
Each week throughout the school year, Toyota and the OSAA will recognize varsity athletes that exhibited an outstanding performance during the previous week. All qualifying students will be in good academic standing,
show leadership qualities and serve as role models in their communities. Nominate students each week by Tuesday at 12pm.
Soccer notebook: Veteran Sheldon squad 'wants more'
After 6A quarterfinal exits the last two years, Irish girls on a mission; La Salle Prep's Sheffield climbs all-time scoring list.
October 29 - 4A Soccer League Play Concludes/Freeze Date; 5A, 4A, 2A Volleyball Cutoff; 6A, 3A/2A/1A Soccer Cutoff
October 30 - 6A, 3A, 1A Volleyball Round 1
November 2 - 4A Soccer Play In's; 5A,4A Soccer Cutoff; 6A, 3A/2A/1A Soccer Round 1; Cross Country Cutoff; Varsity Football Cutoff; Volleyball Playoffs
October 17, 2024
Transfer Task Force Update
Update from their initial meeting is now posted. Group is looking for feedback from the membership.
OSAA Beyond the Scoreboard Coaching Course
Newest option for first time coaches to complete the Interscholastic Coaching Course requirement.
OSAA Corner Store
Need additional Winter Rules Books? Does your Wresting Team need BIA Supplies? Order at the OSAA Corner Store.
Update Winter Coaches
Please update your coach contact information on your school’s Manage Staff page ASAP so we can communicate with your school personnel throughout the winter. Remember all coaches need to be added to the manage staff feature this year.
HomeTown Ticketing Webinar Recording
As postseason approaches, please watch the recording if you anticipate hosting a playoff game throughout the fall.
Football Week 7 preview: Enterprise braces for stretch run
No. 6 Outlaws hosts No. 4 Culver in 2A clash; Week 7 slate includes LO-West Linn, Wilsonville-Silverton, Cascade-Philomath.
October 21 - New AD Workshop (Wilsonville). Contact Kris with questions;
Student Advisory Application Deadline.
October 22 - New AD Assistants Workshop (Wilsonville). Contact Kris with questions.
October 24 - New Title IX Regulations & Athletics Webinar. Contact Lauren with questions;
4A Volleyball League Play Concludes
October 25 - Basketball Commissioners Clinic (Wilsonville)
October 26 - 4A Volleyball Play In's; 6A, 3A, 1A Volleyball Cutoffs
October 10, 2024
Delegate Assembly Summary
Summary from the October 7 meeting is now posted. Key items include the adoption of Girls Flag Football as an emerging activity and a new Officials Fee Schedule through 2027-28.
Updated Playoff Reimbursement Formula
Executive Board adopted additional $25,000 in reimbursement for 2024-25.
Upcoming Freeze Dates
Freeze dates for rankings are coming up. Please update any out-of-state records frequently.
Academic All-State Form Deadline
Academic All-State due October 14.
Join the NFHS Network at no cost
The NFHS Network provides OSAA member schools with cameras for gyms and stadiums at no cost. Reach out to Rebecca Stewart
to learn more about how your school can join the NFHS Network to live-stream your events.
Girls soccer scoring: October 10
State leaders in goals and assists.
October 14 - New AD Workshop (North Eugene). Contact Kris with questions;
Fall Academic All-State Closes.
October 15 - Championship Thresholds Task Force Meeting (Zoom). Contact Kyle with questions.
October 18 - Wrestling Commissioners Clinic (OSAA Office)
October 19 - Captains Leadership Summit from 9am-2pm at Tigard High School
October 3, 2024
OSAA Captains Camp
OSAA sponsored Captains Camp is filling up fast, so we encourage you to reserve your spots. Captains Camp will be held October 19th, from 9am-2pm at Tigard High School.
Oregon Wrestling Weight Monitoring Program - BIA Assessment Training
Sunday, October 20 @ 10am via Zoom. Persons eligible to be trained as OSAA approved assessors include physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified athletic trainer, physical therapist, physician's
assistant, nutritionist, health educator, exercise physiologist, or other persons approved by the OSAA. Contact Kelly Foster with questions.
Student Advisory Council
The OSAA is looking to fill the Student Advisory Council roster for the 2024-25 school year. Deadline to apply is October 21st.
Update Out-of-State Records
Please make sure you regularly update the records of teams your school has played from out-of-state.
OSAA Foundation S.T.A.R Fund
The OSAA Foundation has established a fund to support schools and/or their leagues in their sportsmanship and S.T.A.R. (Safety, Tolerance, Acceptance and Respect) initiatives. Up to $1,000 per school or $2,000 per league is available.
October 1 girls volleyball notebook
News and notes from across Oregon, in girls volleyball.
October 7 - Delegate Assembly Meeting. Contact Peter with questions
October 9 - Girls Flag Football Informational Meeting (Zoom). Contact Kelly with questions
October 10 - Cross Country District Meet Directors Webinar (Zoom). Contact Kelly with questions
October 11 - OSAA Office Closed; OACA/OBCA Basketball Clinic (Wilsonville HS)
September 26, 2024
Delegate Assembly Agenda - October
The agenda for the first Delegate Assembly meeting is now available. Key items include a three year officials fee schedule & a proposal to add girls flag football as emerging activity.
Officials Fee Review Committee - Final Recommendation
Recommendation now goes to the October 7 Delegate Assembly meeting for approval.
Update Wrestling Coaches Information
With wrestling starting in less than 2 months, schools will want to prepare to input all their wrestling data into Trackwrestling. Those access
codes will be sent to each school, and it is imperative that the correct coach gets access. Please update your staff ASAP.
Contest Scores due 10pm daily
Friendly reminder that scores are due to the OSAA website by 10pm on the day the contest/match was played.
Coaching Excellence
Nominate your coaches for the Pacific Office Automation Coaching Excellence Award. Coaches are critical in developing athletes, students, and leaders in our community. All coaches are eligible for the monthly award, nominate today!
Coaches Polls Available
Check out Coaches polls in Cross Country, Soccer, Volleyball and Football.
September 30 - New AD Workshop (South Medford). Contact Kris with questions
October 3 - Transfer/Eligibility Task Force Meeting. Contact Peter with questions
September 19, 2024
Championship Threshold Task Force Update
Update from their second meeting is available. Task Force is looking for feedback from schools.
Fall Preselection, Participation, and Academic All-State Forms
Preselection and Participation due October 6; Academic All-State due October 14.
Endowment Game Ticket Report
A reminder to please use the Endowment Game Ticket Report when submitting endowment game gate receipts.
Team of the Month
Each month, the OSAA will select one team from each classification to win the Team of the Month. Teams selected will receive a commemorative trophy and $100 donated to the winning program. Nominate your team today!
Coaching Excellence
Nominate your coaches for the Pacific Office Automation Coaching Excellence Award. Coaches are critical in developing athletes, students, and leaders in our community. All coaches are eligible for the monthly award, nominate today!
Boys soccer notebook: Fast start boosts Glencoe
Sparked by forwards Chente Spindola and Hansel De Leon, No. 2 Crimson Tide open the season 4-0; Jesuit stops No. 1 Lincoln.
September 23 - Activities Advisory Committee Meeting (Zoom). Contact Lauren with questions
September 24 - Title IX 101 for Athletic Staff Webinar (Zoom)
September 27 - New Delegate Assembly Member Orientation (Zoom); Fall Officials Registration Closes
September 12, 2024
Executive Board Summary
Summary from their September 9 meeting. Highlighted items include Mandating Attendance for first year ADs to a New AD Workshop, the updated Playoff Reimbursement Formula, and Playoff Qualifications in 3A/2A/1A Soccer and 1A[6] Football.
Fall Preselection, Participation, and Academic All-State Forms
Preselection and Participation due October 6; Academic All-State due October 14.
Introducing the Captains Camp!
The OSAA is proud to announce our first ever Captains Camp. This day of intentional leadership is aimed at captains and aspiring captains from all sports.
This free interactive event will be held on October 19 at Tigard High School from 8:15am-2pm. Register today!
Fall 2024 Track & Field / Cross Country Grant Winners
Congratulations to Gladstone HS, Hillsboro SD, McLoughlin HS, Pilot Rock HS, Portland Christian HS, Salem Academy, Southwest Christian HS, Sprague HS, and Willamina HS for receiving funding this Fall.
An additional $12,000 dollars available this spring.
NEW NFHS Network Customer Success Manager
Our partners at the NFHS Network have a new Customer Success Manager assigned to Oregon schools. If you are already an NFHS Network school, reach out to Kristen Paterson for training,
to receive your free annual subscription code, or to learn more about maximizing NFHS Network live streaming.
Cross country notebook: South Eugene soph Shibata surges
Yosuke Shibata follows record performance at Night Meet with win at Marist Invite; CV's Wisniewski takes Ultimook for third time.
September 16 - New AD Workshop (Pendleton). Contact Kris with questions; Winter Officials Registration and Testing Opens
September 18 - OAOA Board Meeting (OSAA Office, Wilsonville)
September 19 - OACA Board Meeting (OSAA Office, Wilsonville); Girls Flag Football Informational Meeting (Zoom)
September 5, 2024
New AD Workshops
Upcoming dates: September 16 (Pendleton HS), September 30 (South Medford HS), October 14 (North Eugene HS), October 21 & 22 (OSAA Office, Wilsonville)
S.T.A.R. Nomination Form
This form is for schools to nominate other schools, communities, and individual programs for exhibiting the traits of S.T.A.R.
(Safety, Tolerance, Acceptance, Respect) sportsmanship expectations. Your nomination will be shared with the coach and principal of the school you nominate.
Board Policy Reminder - Modifications to Address Conflicts with Religious Beliefs
Please notify OSAA by October 1 if you have Fall State Championship participants who may have a possible modification request.
Updated Testing Memo
Memo shows conflicts between SAT, ACT, IB and AP tests and OSAA State Championships.
Unmanned Aerial Systems
The use of drones (unmanned aerial systems) is prohibited during any events.
September 3 girls' volleyball notebook
News and notes from across Oregon, in girls volleyball.
September 9 - OSAA Executive Board Meeting @ 11am (OSAA Office, Wilsonville). Contact Peter with questions.
September 10 - Championships Threshold Task Force Meeting @ 9:30am (Hybrid). Contact Kyle with questions.
September 10 - Sports Medicine Advisory Committee Meeting @ 6:30pm (Salem). Contact Peter with questions.
September 12 - Officials Fee Review Committee Meeting @ 9am (Hybrid). Contact Kris with questions.
August 29, 2024
Executive Board Agenda
Agenda for the September meeting is now posted. Key items include amendments to sub-varsity cutoff dates, volleyball & soccer teams sizes and more.
Title IX Education and Support
This year, the OSAA and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) will provide three opportunities for virtual Title IX seminars to review
the basics of Title IX, new regulations and hot topics. If you are interested in having representatives from the OSAA and ODE do an informational
walk-through/site visit of your facilities or provide education to your departments or league, please complete this
request form. Please note these
are educational in nature and not used as an investigation or certification of compliance with Title IX law.
Open Dates
View the open dates page for schools looking for contests or create a post if you're looking for a contest.
Golf State Championship Sites Announced
State championship sites for 2025 are set. 6A & 5A Boys @ the OGA Golf Course (Woodburn); 6A & 5A Girls @ Emerald Valley Golf Course (Creswell);
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls & 3A/2A/1A Boys @ Trysting Tree Golf Course (Corvallis); 4A Boys @ Tokatee Golf Course (McKenzie).
OSAA Student Recognition Programs and Catering Offers
The provided link outlines the several ways to recognize the great work teams, coaches, and students are doing across the state. In addition, as teams travel, view this flyer for catering options and deals.
OSAA Job Posting - Director of Media Communications
The OSAA is seeking a highly organized individual to direct media communications for the Association.
September 2 - OSAA Office Closed (Labor Day)
August 22, 2024
Fall Schedules & Rosters Due Thursday
If you haven't already done so, please upload your full varsity team sports schedules & rosters to the OSAA website.
Associate Member School Update
If you have students participating from Associate Members, their school must be listed prior to participation.
Manage Staff Reminder
Reminder that ALL coaches (paid or volunteer), at all levels, must be in the in the OSAA Manage Staff system and fully certified before coaching.
Synthetic Turf Field Guidance & Heat Index Notifications
The OSAA’s Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) has produced guidance for use of turf fields as temperatures rise. The link above outlines
guidelines that should be considered when practicing, working out, or playing contests on synthetic turf from May 1 through September 30 when the outdoor temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Also, sign up for Heat Index Alerts from the automated system.
Receive your FREE NFHS Network Annual Subscription code
The NFHS Network provides Oregon Athletic Directors with access the the NFHS Network at no cost. Reach out to Rebecca Stewart (link) to receive your free annual subscription code.
Stayton HS community rallies to build fitness center
The 6,000-square foot, $1.6 million Ty Hart Memorial Fitness Center, built without district funds, will boost Stayton athletics
August 26 - OSAA Foundation Fall Shop Event, Deadline for OSAA Foundation Track & Field/Cross Country Grant (Fall)
August 29 - Fall First Contest Date for Volleyball, Soccer and Cross Country; First Contest Date for Football Jamborees; Fall Academic All-State Program Opens
August 30 - Football First Contest Date
August 15, 2024
Update Fall Coaches
Please update your coach contact information on your school’s Manage Staff page ASAP so we can communicate with your school personnel
throughout the fall. Remember all coaches need to be added to the manage staff feature this year.
Spirit Safety Course
The 2024-25 OSAA Spirit Safety Course is now available. Remember that all cheer and dance coaches must be fully certified,
including Spirit Safety, prior to assuming coaching duties.
OSAA Corner Store
2024 Fall Rules books are now available for purchase on the website through the Corner Store!
Air Quality Guidelines
Its important to review the Air Quality Guidelines and be cognizant of rapid air quality changes.
DICK’S Sporting Goods Discount Days
Fall practice starts Monday, August 19th!! Get ready for the season with OSAA Discount Days at all DICK’S Sporting Goods locations throughout Oregon! Take advantage of this exclusive offer and save 20% off your entire purchase from Friday, August 16th through Sunday, August 18th!
3A and 4A volleyball championships are on the move
They will head south to the coast for 2024 (Marshfield and North Bend High Schools) as the OSAA tries out new format
August 19 - Fall First Practice Date
August 8, 2024
Fall Administrator Workshop - NEXT WEEK!
Sign up today to register for a required workshop next week!
Executive Board Summary
Summary from their July meeting is posted. Highlights include revised ejection policies and updated dates in the Rankings Board Policy.
Synthetic Turf Field Guidance & Heat Index Notifications
The OSAA’s Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) has produced guidance for use of turf fields as temperatures rise. The link above outlines
guidelines that should be considered when practicing, working out, or playing contests on synthetic turf from May 1 through September 30 when the outdoor temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Also, sign up for Heat Index Alerts from the automated system.
Air Quality Guidelines
Its important to review the Air Quality Guidelines and be cognizant of rapid air quality changes.
DICK’S Sporting Goods Discount Days
Fall practice starts Monday, August 19th!! Get ready for the season with OSAA Discount Days at all DICK’S Sporting Goods locations throughout Oregon! Take advantage of this exclusive offer and save 20% off your entire purchase from Friday, August 16th through Sunday, August 18th!
OSAA Foundation Cross Country and Track & Field Grant
$12,000 is available for distribution this fall focusing on Cross Country programs. Deadline for Fall is August 26.
Winners announced for '23-'24 Most Valuable Teammate Scholarship
OSAA and the Oregon Army National Guard Announce Winners of the 2023-2024 Most Valuable Teammate Scholarships.
August 13 - Fall Administrator Workshop (OSAA Office, Wilsonville) @ 8:30am-Noon
August 14 - Fall Administrator Workshop (Pendleton HS, Grants Pass HS) @ 8:30am-Noon
August 14 - Fall Administrator Workshop (OSAA Office, Wilsonville) @ 12:30pm-4pm
August 15 - Fall Administrator Workshop (Ridgeview HS (Redmond), Willamette HS (Eugene) @ 8:30am-Noon
August 16 - Fall Administrator Workshop (OSAA Office, Wilsonville) @ 8:30am-Noon
August 16 - OACA Volleyball Clinic (Wilsonville HS)
August 1, 2024
Pre-Participation Physical Exam Required Form
In 2023 when the State Board of Education updated the Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form, they gave a one-year grace period for medical providers to begin using the new form.
Beginning May 1, 2024, medical providers must use the form dated April 2023.
Heat Index Notifications
As temperatures increase around the state, sign up for Heat Index Alerts from the automated system.
Fall Administrator Workshop Registration
Sign up today to register for a required workshop offered between August 13-16!
OSAA Corner Store
2024 Fall Rules books are now available for purchase on the website through the Corner Store!
OSAA Cup Final Standings
See where your school finished! Congratulations to all schools who had incredible years in the classroom and on the field of play. Sponsored by Pacific Office Automation.
Prep notebook: Hitting facilities giving Heppner a lift
The $315,000 buildings have 'created momentum' for Heppner programs; Siuslaw gym gets facelift; Barlow among schools laying turf.
August 9 - Volleyball and Soccer Commissioners Clinic